

  • Evolution of Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society and the CPC Leadership over Economic Work


    Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has separated China’s evolving principal social contradictions into four different stages. Based on the assessment of principal social contradictions at different points in time, the CPC enacted different economic policies. During 1949-1956, based on the recognition of class struggle as China’s principal social contradiction, the Party focused itseconomicpoliciesonsocialisttransformationandestablishedthefoundationforthe public sector of the economy. During 1956-1978, amid flip-flops in the Party’s assessment ofwhetherclassstruggleorbackwardproductiveforcesweretheprincipalcontradiction,China’seconomicdevelopmentsufferedsomesetbacks,butthevisionforbuildingan industrialcountryremainedunchanged,andresourceswerefocusedondevelopingmajor national industrial projects. During 1978-2019, the Party focused on economic development andreformandopeningupinpursuitoftherealizationofgrandeconomicdevelopment goalsbasedontheassessmentthatChina’sprincipalsocialcontradictionwasbetween people’sever-growingmaterialandculturalneedsandChina’srelativelybackward socialproductiveforces.In2017,the19thCPCNationalCongressmadetheimportant politicalassessmentthatChina’sprincipalsocialcontradictionhadtransformedintothe contradiction between people’s ever-growing need for a better life and China’s unbalanced and inadequate development, and proposed new development concepts to lead the Chinese people on a new journey towards the second centennial goal. The most important experience of the CPC’s economic work is analyzing and solving problems based on Marxist ideology and methodology.

    2022年03期 v.17 2-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2125K]
  • China's Economic Diplomacy:Concept,Organization, Implementation Mechanisms and the BRI


    Based on the existing research regarding China's economic diplomacy, this study creates a theoretical structure for economic diplomacy with Chinese characteristics that encompasses soft power, the two competitive concepts of justified ought and self interests, and the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). By introducing soft power, this paper argues that the goal of economic diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era is to achieve the conversion of hard power to soft power. Unlike the “carrot and stick”principle often followed by Western powers in their economic diplomacy with political strings attached, the conversion between hard power and soft power in China's economic diplomacy hinges upon the two competitive concepts of justified ought and self interests,which is the basic principle that guides China's economic diplomacy overall. We argue that in creating an implementation mechanism for China's economic diplomacy, policymakers must consider China's unique national condition as a large economy not yet rich in per capita terms, while drawing upon the experiences of other major nations.

    2022年03期 v.17 21-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2126K]
  • The CPC's Century-Long Exploration of a Socialist Ownership System


    Throughout its century-long history, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has beenstrivingtoexploreandimplementanownershipsystemofthemeansofproduction.Upon its founding in 1921, the Party envisioned to create a sole ownership system after the victory of the National Revolution. In war times, land issues dominated the agenda of the Party’sworkontheownershipstructuresincemostofitsbasesandliberatedareaswere inthecountryside.AfterthefoundingofthePeople’sRepublicofChinain1949,China establishedabasicsocialisteconomicsystemthrough“oneindustrializationandthree transformations,”i.e.socialistindustrializationandthetransformationsofagriculture,artisanal production, and capitalist industry and commerce. This nascent socialist economic systemwascharacterizedbythesolepublicownershipofthemeansofproductionanda highlycentralizedplannedeconomy.Sincethereformandopeningupin1978,theParty took bold steps to explore and reform the socialist ownership system under the principle to keep public ownership as the mainstay and allow diverse forms of ownership to develop side by side. In the new era, the Party has redefined China’s basic socialist economic system by creating a mixed ownership structure at two levels with public ownership as the mainstay.China’sincreasingeconomicvitalityanddynamismhavewitnessedtheexplorationand growth of this mixed ownership system.

    2022年03期 v.17 43-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2125K]
  • Economic Effects of China's Import Expansion Strategy


    Since 2018,Chinahasenactedastringofpolicyinitiativestoincrease imports. To quantify this import expansion strategy’s economic effects, we created a large numericalgeneralequilibriummodelandquantitativelysimulatedtheeconomiceffects ofthereductionsoftariffandnon-tariffbarriersonChinaandothereconomies.Our simulation results show that overall, China’s import expansion strategy benefited both itself and others and contributed to employment, welfare, and trade growth in China and the rest of the world. In relative terms, however, China’s import expansion strategy benefited other countries more than it did itself and contributed more to the growth of the world economy.Additionally, the import expansion strategy may effectively promote China’s trade balance,andthetradeequilibriumeffectdrivenbythereductionofnon-tariffbarriersismore significant than that of tariff barriers. Furthermore, regarding the self-benefiting effects of import expansion, the effects of nontariff measures are significantly greater than those of tariff measures, and this result has policy implications for China’s import expansion strategy going forward.

    2022年03期 v.17 62-88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2125K]
  • Upgrade of Transportation Infrastructure and Siting of Polluting Enterprises:The Case of High-Speed Railway Launch in China


    With the quasi-natural experiment of the launching of high-speed railways in Chinese cities, this paper empirically investigated the effects of the upgrade of the transportation infrastructure on the site selection of polluting enterprises. We found that although the launching of a high-speed railway generally has a negative impact on the siting of polluting enterprises:(i) While there was a significant decrease in polluting enterprises of a private and other nature, the reduction in overseas-funded and state-owned enterprises was insignificant;(ii) while the launching of a high-speed railway greatly restrained the entry of polluting enterprises in the eastern region, large cities and more developed cities, this was followed by the movement of more polluting enterprises to the central and western regions, small and medium-sized cities and less developed cities;(iii) there was a significant decrease in polluting enterprises in environmentally conscious cities after the launching of a high-speed railway. This paper also found that infrastructure upgrade may influence the siting of polluting enterprises through the following: Environmental cleanness, factor concentration and spatial integration. Government authorities and market entities should be fully aware of and attach great importance to how the transportation infrastructure influences the site selection of businesses, as this is of great significance for China's regional development planning, local business climate and investment planning, environmental protection, and other related policymaking initiatives.

    2022年03期 v.17 89-112页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2125K]
  • China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Developing Countries


    The implementation of China's open development strategy has unveiled a wave of outward foreign direct investment(OFDI) by Chinese companies, with global implications. Based on panel data from 146 developing countries from 2003 to 2017, we investigate the growth effects of China's OFDI. We find that China's OFDI has promoted significant economic growth in developing countries. Not only could China's OFDI increase GDP per capita of a country in a short time but raise the country's long-run equilibrium value as well. In addition, the growth effects of China's OFDI were more significant for countries with weak governance, rich resource, and modest human capital, and were above the average level for Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) countries, African countries, and in the post-crisis era. Our research helps unravel the global significance of Chinese companies investing overseas and contributes to research on the growth effects of direct investment between developing countries.

    2022年03期 v.17 113-124页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 2125K]
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