
  • Social Enterprises' Institutional Rationale and Its Inspirations for the Modern Market Economy

    Jin Bei;

    This study analyzes the ways in which social enterprises contribute to society’s goals.Intheneweraofhumandevelopment,manysocialproblemscannotberesolved withouttheparticipationofsocialenterprises(SEs).Thestudyontheseenterprisesisof great significance for theoretical research and practical observation. In a modern market economy, SEs have pro-social market vitality and compatibility with the market economy;their action gives a glimpse into the truth of human development. As can be seen from the socio-economicreality,numerousentrepreneursnurtureadesiretorunSEsatacertain stageoftheircareerdevelopment.ThetendencyofsomeentrepreneurstorunSEsisof great significance for this study. Social enterprises are hybrid enterprises as opposed to for-profit enterprises and SEs must address complex problems through organizational and institutionalinnovations.Stateownedenterprises(SOEs)andSEssharemanytopicsof research and have much to learn from each other, and a key question for SOE reform is what makes SOEs efficient quasi-social enterprises. Both SOEs and SEs assume a social mandate, and their fulfillment of social responsibilities is underpinned by their economic efficiency (market competitiveness). The theoretical rationale and institutional mechanism ofSEs-notleasttheirinnovationpracticeandformationofrules-stemfromthe relationship and coordination between economic and social exchanges under market-based conditions. Social enterprises focus on altruistic social exchange but need to be supported by a certain economic exchange to finance their operations. The biggest social problem for China is its failure to balance economic and social exchanges, as well as the method of reward. Research on SEs should promote the understanding of these questions and the quest fortheirsolutions.Socialenterprisesmayinspiremoreenterprisestopursuepro-social innovation and development.

    2023年01期 v.18 2-15页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • China's Foreign Aid,Recipient Countries' Economic Growth,and the Mediating Effect of Aid in Infrastructure

    Yan Bing;Xie Xindi;Wen Bo;

    Based on the panel data of China's foreign aid in 2003-2014 from Aid Data,this paper empirically investigates the relationship between China's foreign aid and economic growth in recipient countries. Using the principal component analysis(PCA),the authors propose a variable, i.e. the infrastructure index, to measure the effects of aid on the economic growth of recipient countries. This study shows that aid from China has significantly improved the level of economic growth in recipient countries, which provides a new evidence of China's aid effectiveness. Through analysis of the ways by which aid in infrastructure induces economic growth, the authors conclude that the improvement of local infrastructure accounts for 55.30% of the aggregate economic growth effect of China's aid to recipient countries.

    2023年01期 v.18 16-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • Escaping Dependency and Trade War:China and the US

    Chen Ziye;Li Bin;

    Marxist political economy provides a perspective for grasping the root cause of the China-US trade war. The international relations of production, which stem from the international division of labor, shape the distribution of international economic interests and the political status of countries. Traditionally, developing countries have been subjected to the “periphery” in the international division of labor. In the new global value chain, developing countries have remained in a subordinate position characterized by “technological-market” dependence. To achieve the goal of building a strong modern nation, China must escape the “technological-market” dependence. Yet China's efforts and achievements in escaping dependent development are deemed as a threat to US vested interests in the international markets. To preserve the economic foundation of its hegemony,the US has resorted to a trade war to contain China's development.

    2023年01期 v.18 36-44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • Manufacturing Localization,Technology Backfire,and Economic De-globalization

    Qu Shenning;Yang Danhui;

    Since the global financial crisis, global value chain(GVC) have been contracting amid the trend toward economic de-globalization. With GVC participation rate in mind as the core indicator of economic de-globalization, in this paper we create a multicountry general equilibrium model to characterize the mechanism by which manufacturing localization affects GVC participation rate. Our theoretical derivation shows that changes in the local manufacturing status of final products in various countries directly influence the GVC participation rate of those countries. When the local proportion of a country's final products reaches a certain level, rising local proportion of intermediate inputs, economic growth below the world average level, and technology progress all cause the country's GVC participation rate to decline, giving rise to de-globalization at the manufacturing and trade levels. We further provide a comprehensive interpretation based on an empirical test of the deep-seated causes of economic de-globalization in relation to such economic phenomena as increasing trade concentration, the “technology backlash” effect of the new industrial revolution, and economic growth driven by the combined forces of trade protectionism and quantitative easing.

    2023年01期 v.18 46-67页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • Measuring Global Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Using Trade Network Analysis Method

    Cui Xiaomin;Xiong Wanting;Yang Panpan;Xu Qiyuan;

    With the trade network analysis method and bilateral country-product level trade data of 2017-2020, this paper reveals the overall characteristics and intrinsic vulnerabilities of China's global supply chains. Our research finds that first, most global supply-chain-vulnerable products are from technology-intensive sectors. For advanced economies, their supply chain vulnerabilities are primarily exposed to political and economic alliances. In comparison, developing economies are more dependent on regional communities. Second, China has a significant export advantage with over 80% of highly vulnerable intermediate inputs relying on imports of high-end electrical, mechanical and chemical products from advanced economies or their multinational companies. China also relies on developing economies for the import of some resource products. Third, during the trade frictions from 2018 to 2019 and the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant reduction in the supply chain vulnerabilities of China and the US for critical products compared with other products, which reflects a shift in the layout of critical product supply chains to ensure not just efficiency but security. China should address supply chain vulnerabilities by bolstering supply-side weaknesses, diversifying import sources, and promoting international coordination and cooperation.

    2023年01期 v.18 68-86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • Asymmetric Environmental Regulation: Mechanism and a Yardstick Phenomenon

    Yu Yazhuo;Zhang Huilin;Zhang Pingdan;

    In discussing the policy effects of environmental regulation, we should focus not only on whether environmental regulation helps improve the environmental and economic performance of firms, but also on how such improvement is materialized, i.e.whether the obsolete mode of production is reversed. After matching the database of China's industrial enterprises with that of pollution emissions from these industrial enterprises,this paper identifies the asymmetric scope of clean production standards to test the effect of environmental regulation on the total factor productivity(TFP) of the industrial enterprises.Our empirical research finds that the implementation of clean production standards may induce TFP improvement. However, such improvement only occurs for polluters who cannot or who barely meet clean production standards and does little to improve the production standards of polluters with low pollution emission, reflecting the yardstick phenomenon of the asymmetric environmental regulation policy effect: While polluters are forced to improve, clean enterprises that pollute less are more likely to take no action. Further research finds that such TFP improvement is materialized primarily by means of overall firm optimization; the compensation effect is insignificant and does not reverse the backward mode of production. Polluters cope with the implementation of clean production standards by purchasing more equipment and expanding capacity, which adds to the tension between the expansion of capacity and the abatement of pollution emission.

    2023年01期 v.18 87-107页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
  • Income Growth,Income Gaps,and Rural Poverty Reduction in China

    Wang Zhonghua;Yue Ximing;

    This paper analyzes the evolving trends in China's rural poverty from 1988 to 2018 and how income growth and income gaps contributed to poverty reduction using rural household data from the China Household Income Project(CHIP). We find that after China's reform and opening up policy introduced in 1978, China's rural poverty has been reduced substantially due primarily to income growth, although this poverty-reducing effect was partially offset by widening income gaps. During the progress of this poverty reduction, however, income distribution replaced income growth as the key driver. For the extremely poor in particular, their poverty status hinged upon income distribution. As revealed by our empirical analysis of income sources, wage income became the chief source of income for rural households, contributing a rising share to poverty reduction in the countryside. The contribution of net income from government transfer to poverty reduction has increased in recent years, and this contribution has been increased with the deepening level of poverty. Calculation of the pro-poor growth index suggests that the poor population primarily benefited from the trickle-down effect of economic growth, and the economic growth pattern has yet to lean towards pro-poor growth.

    2023年01期 v.18 108-128页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 4171K]
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